Sunday, September 18, 2011

The framing is done! ... almost

This is Jeff and this is my first post, so you'll need to bear with me. With Laura starting back up with school and an internship its been an adjustment from our summer routine. At this point, all of the demolition is done and I just need to put a few more studs in the washer and dryer alcove in the upstairs bathroom.
Our electrician, Jacques Electrical, was at the Farm the beginning of the week and chased wires through the house so this weekend we had all the lights and outlets in the upstairs working. The big push for us this upcoming week is for Laura to finish up painting everywhere on the house she can reach from a ladder and I'll be running all hot and cold water lines throughout the house. There are still a few more fittings I need to order before I really get into it. I've been buying most of my plumbing supplies from an eBay store called the PEX Tubing Store, quite a clever name. Here is where she is at with the painting at this point. 

 Laura's that spot on the roof towards the left.
The recent cold snap and the steady breeze we got made painting this weekend pretty interesting for Laura. Kathi came down on Friday to help with some of the trim painting. It was good for Laura to have someone else there working on it as well. The trim just isn't nearly as gratifying as the blue clapboard paint.  Once she had the trim done on the top half, it made a huge difference. So she didn't get paint on the outside of her paint carrier, I Macgyvered a paint ladle for her out of a piece of sheathing and the top to a spray can.
I'm pretty proud of that.

While she was doing that I put together the archway going from the kitchen into the den.
On this one I stapled together the two halves with some stub 2x4s to get the right wall thickness, framed out the opening to help support the 2nd floor outer beam and nailed them up.

I didn't have the jack stud in on one side on these picture, but you get the idea. Also, take note that the few subfloor pieces I had left out for a while have been put in. The first floor bathroom should really start taking shape this week. We will be picking up the shower, pedestal sink and toilet some night this week and we'll have the shower stall in hopefully next Friday.

On Saturday we got help from Tim. We went through the house cleaning and organizing the tools as it had gotten a bit messy over the past few weeks of work.

This will make the Jacques happy when he comes back this week to not have to work around all our stuff. Here's an action shot of Tim tossing some wood on to the bonfire pile.
WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!! I'm not sure where Tim's wand is but he made short work of moving the debris.

Here are a few things semi related to the house. Miss Lucy got some new eye protection to keep the bugs and road debris out.
Giant Dog + Dog Wearing Goggles = Ridiculous Squared
I think this was Pythagoras' other Theorem

We got our first piece of mail this Friday. Nothing fancy, but if we don't fill it out and put back in the box it will be the last piece of mail we get too. Lucy is not impressed.

Here is a shot from the top of Gloucester Hill as we left the Farm on Friday as the sun was setting. I'll put some smaller post together as things happen through the week.

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