Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What's Yellow and Green with Rusty spots all over?

The Big News from the weekend... We're now proud tractor owners! And not just any kind of tractor, we've got ourselves a genuine yellow and green John Deere tractor. Jeff has been teaching me to distinguish between a lawn tractor and a garden tractor. We have a garden tractor which means we can attach all sorts of cool things like: a snow-blower, a rototiller, and of course the mower.

So this tractor was an interesting purchase... Jeff found it on Craigslist, described it to me and I asked, "how old is it?" To which he replied, "it's a 1983." Um. Yeah, that's as old as me. Anyhow long story shorter...  We went back and forth on the values of having a lawn tractor (one that only mows the lawn) bought new for a few hundred dollars more versus having a garden tractor. It took me a long while to grasp my head around it, but he eventually convinced me that even with it's age being what it is and the rust spots being as rusty as they are, that it's better to have the garden tractor.

                     View of the back yard/ back field the seed and loam is really taking hold.

So Jeff's Dad, Gary decided that he wanted to build us our bulk head! Which was hugely exciting for us because no standard bulkhead will fit the concrete footprint and it was one more thing on Jeff's long "To Do" list. Here's what he's got so far!

                                                    Surveying the work

I Give to You: a Series: a Progression

*Hum inspirational music of your choice while scrolling... well that's what I did anyways


I know, it's still not quite done...

The top front of the house is complete- at least to where I can reach! We'll have someone come and do the higher part... because I think I found my limit with crawling all around the porch roof and would prefer not to push my luck any further.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!!! Can you guys ride up here on it and till our garden??!!
